I strongly believe there is something wrong with these slot machines at this casino, they are so tight, and when a few of them pay, they pay around the same time for a few minutes which makes me wonder what is really going on at this place. first and second floor are full of a lot of slot machines with most 5 cent machines on the first floor and 1 cent machines on the second floors which in the end, it really does not make a difference because whether you play one or the other you will end up loosing all your money. there are a few card tables on the first floor which have a big house advantage. bingo room is big and maybe able win something once in a long while.
if you drink(alcohol) be prepare to pay for your drinks or if you just want a soft drink and have and hour or two to spare( because that is how long it will take to see someone serving those free drinks) then you will be fine. The place is really nice, very close to a high end vegas style casino, food is good but the smell of cigarette is so strong that you can smell it from the garage parking lot building some 100 or 200 feet from the entrance door. I only go there because is close to where I live. I have been gambling at san manuel for the last 3 or four years and hardly ever won anything there, I only go there once a month sometimes once every couple months.